Naughtydogge's blog

Developing Feel Requires No Distractions

When we start training dogs we all become handlers. We follow the instructions we are given. We do our homework, succeed, stumble and fall. These are the moments we either stay handlers or learn our way into being trainers. It’s the time on our own with our dogs, when we have time to reflect and process, that changes us. We start experimenting and seeing micro behaviours that we can respond to, meaning our feedback is better. We have ideas that pop into our heads that we try. We think we saw something and look for it again.

The Sensory Dogs

My niche has always been working with the weirdo dogs; the Mexican street dogs, herding breeds, reactive dogs and all that take on angst living in our modern world. Jill and I, through our Podcast Lift your Leg, have been talking about this.

The Ramifications of Honesty

The Ramifications of Honesty
Should we say what people want to hear; or say what they need to hear?
Let me start with the scenario.  This dog is covered in scars, has full-on dog aggression, and had killed a donkey.     He had zero interest in his  owner and had just been returned from a failed rehome and his owner was scared to have him back with her other dogs.  His owner wanted him rehomed, but upon me giving the reality of the situation, was seeking approval on euthanasia being the correct decision.
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