The Reason for my Leash:
Your dog’s social etiquette is none of my business, even if he is really friendly. If my dog is on leash, take the cue, and keep yours away.
There are many reasons for a leash. Mine might be injured, under the weather, having a really bad day, or simply enjoying nature with me and has no care whether yours is friendly or not. It might not be my dog, or it might be a brand-new dog that I don’t know how he will behave. However, we are total strangers to each other, and other than a polite ‘Hello,’ l do not owe you an explanation. Simply take my cue of my dog being on a leash, and respect my space by keeping yours away.
If you feel yourself wanting to call out “He is Friendly” as you see your dog’s bum galloping away from you towards an on-leash victim, counter you urge and instead be polite and call them back.
Monique Anstee
Victoria, BC