INDECISIVENESS: a stage you must overcome in your growth as a trainer

Monique Anstee

“There are no rules. You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over, and it’s because you fall over that you learn to save yourself from falling over” Richard Branson

Falling over is part of the learning of dog training. As you learn to think on your feet and respond to the curve balls that your dog throws at you, you will make errors. Your errors are part of your growth as you move forwards. Fear of making errors, and being paralyzed in a moment of indecisiveness is something that we all go through as trainers.

Learn to do SOMETHING, and then decide if it was sheer genius, really dumb, or okay. Reflect after the fact. The rule of dog training is that if it works, it was right. Learning to think and do on your feet is a stepping stone that we all must jump onto as we develop into trainers. 

This is the biggest and scariest first-step for all novices. 

You can bounce back from an error. You can’t bounce back from the paralysis of doing nothing…. First you have to make that leap and do something before you can improve upon what it is that you did! 

Monique Anstee

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