Aggression in the Small Breeds

Monique Anstee
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Aggression In The Small Breeds:

When I work with big strong dogs with aggression, their owners have almost always tried other trainers, have done their homework, have committed fully to retraining, and need some final ‘icing on the cake’ if you will. I get to offer the final key ingredients for success, when a lot of the foundation work is already in place. 

Now when it comes to the toy breeds, and small little nasties, there is an entirely different psychology at work. 

Rather than taking the problem seriously, almost all found it funny at first, and inadvertently rewarded it because it was entertaining and they wanted to see it again. Through success after success after success, they strategically taught these little dogs that their teeth could get them what they wanted. 

After so much time and success, these little dogs actually believe that they are invincible. Once they are at that point, there is almost no turning back. At least, not without crushing the core of their existence…

Small dog people are different in their mentality. Rather than hard work, they actually build it because it IS funny… we can all admit that! Seeing a little Chihuahua gallop as fast as they can to attack your shin really is funny, even in the moment. It forces me to bite my tongue and not burst out laughing. But the behaviour is still dangerous, and does need to be taken seriously. 

Continue to enjoy your wee bad mini dog, if you have one. But as you force the tongue biting, please do take the behaviour seriously. if your dog has success after success of going after people, he will reach a point where he truly is invincible, and almost nothing is going to turn him back to being a nice, happy dog again. 

You will make your once happy, spunky dog instead become angry, distrustful, and unhappy. You owe him better than that, especially when you created it solely for the purpose of having a laugh, and not taking it seriously. 

Respect your dogs. Respect them if they are big, and give them training to keep them safe. And respect them if they are small, so that they can stay happy, spunky and fun-loving.

Monique Anstee

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