The Naughty Dogge

In a world where dogs are permanently called puppies regardless of age, or worse still, fur-babies who receive...

Rehabbing a Problematic Dog: Trials and Tribulations from...

The Value of a Relationship:...

A skill I teach in both Pet Manners, and Growl, that will change a dog...

Attention Training Your Dog

Attentive Students: It works both ways...

Denial Won't Help Change This Picture:

Changing Something In Our Dogs:...

10 Obedience Trial Tips for my Students this weekend!...

He's Never Done That Before, posed by Basil, Tervuren, Monique Anstee's Belgian Shepherd Dog

Pavlov conditioned a dog to salivate at the ring of a bell. And I have been conditioned with full fear and...

Dog Training: do you pick Force Free (purely positive), Positive Reinforcement, Balanced, Corrective, or do you just train the dog?

Trainers are being forced into slots. Judgements are made, and then that...


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