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Media Releases
- Appeared on Cesar Milan for an Obedience Demo with Basil in front of 7000 locals!
- Expert for Times Columnist article for November, 2008
- Regular appearances on C-Fax 1070, discussing all aspects of dogs and training.
- Our Facebook page has 24,000+ readers
- A-Channel News, featuring my Training Camp with Children, 2006
- Shaw TV made a feature on my Training Camp with Children – 2007
- National Coverage in the Daily Newspapers, such as the Times Columnist, on Children’s Camp and the benefits for both children and dogs – 2006
- Interviewed for Dogs and Christmas article, featured in the Times Columnist Daily Newspaper, 2006
- Article in Dog Sport Magazine, on Leading your Pack

- 37
Years of
experience - 248
participated in - 59
Seminars Given
For every seminar Monique has done, she has been asked back for a repeat
Education and Achievements
Author of As a Dog Thinketh
Published by Touchwood publishing
Bachelor of General Studies
Minor in psychology, University of Calgary. Completed courses in cognitive psychology, Behaviour Modification, adult learning, behaviour management and many other applicable courses
Mentored under Sylvia Bishop
Have attended 30 of her seminars to date, including two week-long camps in England. While Sylvia is known for her competitive obedience, and for being the most winning person in the world, this sells her short. She is an incredible teacher, in all aspects of dogs, including behaviour work
Trained with Peter Scherk in Germany
In 2012, 2013, twice in 2014, twice in 2015, 2016, twice in 2017, and 2023
Trained with Mia Skogster in Finland
In 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2019, and 2023
First Canadian to represent Canada
At the WORLD CUP OF OBEDIENCE at Crufts, England in 2010

Non-dog experience
- The Naughty Dogge Behaviour Modification Inc, Director and Head Trainer, 1996 to Present
- Wrote and taught behaviour modification programs for staff to administrate to Special Needs adults
- Worked within schools with special needs children; specializing in social disorders
- Supervisory experience
- Worked with and rehabilitated severely aggressive children
- Worked with numerous behavioural and mental disorders in both humans and dogs
Monique’s dogs
Each dog coming into my home is loved, honoured, and trained to the best of their ability. Regardless of temperament, I train and compete with the dog that I get.

He’s fun, stable, and my friend. Life would be so dull without silly Harry.

Like most Hoo Ha’s, she was born with the heart of a lion and a hot little temper.

Pippa arrived after powerful Reggie, which didn’t help her any, and she was reserved and worried about the world. The first year was a lot of very careful work. I got Pippa for the sport of obedience, which she did not like. I made her a promise: If she could learn to love heelwork, I would give her sheep. She currently has four.
Herding was the final puzzle piece to help her become strong. I have no idea what I am doing, but she does. At least one of us is talented in this venue.
Some dogs are extra special, and our connection with them is that much deeper. Pippa is one of those dogs for me.

In 2015 we represented Canada at the FCI IPO World Championships. Wonderful Reggie is a handful to train and live with, though he is always fun, always happy, and always ready to work. He continues to teach me lots, and will continue to show me the world, and open more doorways and training opportunities for us.

She was a second-hand dog that has been a fun process to build and train. She has recently come into her ‘girl power’ and now is starting to define the word ‘bitch’. She brings a certain zip and presence to our household, and her work. She has a fun training future and career ahead of her!

- Number 3 Herding, and Number 1 Belgian in Canada, 2011
- Appeared on Cesar Milan Victoria Tour, 2010. He did a performance showing that Obedience can indeed be fun!
- On the first ever team representing Canada at Crufts World Cup of Obedience, in England 2010
- High in Trial, and Best of Opposite at the Belgian Specialty
- Multiple High in Trials
- CDX with firsts in class, and multiple 198s
- Schutzhund Three title – First Terv in Canada to achieve this title

Before reitrement he got to compete once only, getting not only his Schutzhund One under the esteemed Judge Elmar Mannes, but also winning with a HIgh in Trial. He is now our beloved pet.

- Number 4 toy in Canada 2002
- Winner 2005 Italian Greyhound National specialty in both Obedience & alt. conformation
- Second IG in Canada to get her OTCH
- Nultiple High In Trials
- High Score of 199 1/2
- Number One Italian Greyhound 2001, 2002 and 2003
- First dog in Canada to get her Altered Championship, with three Group Firsts, one Best in National Specialty
- One utility leg with a high-in-class
Mandy is a special little dog, being one of the only sight-hounds that executes her work with flash and flare. She is a joy to watch in the obedience ring, and a joy to live with. Mandy has taught me patience, and plenty of it.
It is a wonderful experience to be owned by an Italian greyhound. Sadly I lost this precious girl in November 2012

- Multi High In Trials
- High Score of 198
- Number 1 Irish Terrier, and 9th Terrier in Canada.
- Hilda is naturally dog-aggressive and has been trained through it
Hilda is an Irish Terrier. She has been a challenge to train, and has broken almost every rule of dog training. Hilda forced me to grow as a trainer, and owner. We shared a very special bond, that only people with problem dogs can really understand.

Rita died at age 16 and is dearly missed. She was an American Staffordshire Terrier, bred by Pamela Perdue. Rita blessed our house with her patience and love for many years. Rita´s one goal in life was to keep the couch warm, and she did it very well.
Dogs never live long enough. Rita’s sweet and kind energy is very missed in our home.

Some dogs are so special that words cannot honour them. Gibby fits into that category. He has made me laugh and cry, but regardless, I have never felt alone.
Thank you Dee Dee for sending me this very special little dog!
Gibby retired with multiple High-inTrials, one utility leg, and sadly, Addison´s disease. When he feels up to it, he will help teach classes with me!

If you’re not familiar with our training methods, we suggest reading Monique's book As a Dog Thinketh, available on Amazon.